"This is only part of our manifesto. It is not yet complete. There will be other things to be announced later. This is Barisan's promise," he said, adding that the people of Kelantan had tremendous potential and Barisan could provide the catalyst for them to excel through systematic development.
Najib pledged that Barisan would build a highway linking Kuala Krai and Kota Baru, build a spanking new stadium and resolve the people's water woes if it is given the mandate to rule the state.
Later, in a "live" interview with KelantanFM, Najib said the people here have a strong determination to succeed and, as a responsible government, Barisan would be able to provide more opportunities."When the state and federal governments come from the same party, all development policies can be easily streamlined for the benefit of the people," he said.
Taking a dig at the state government now run by PAS, the PM said transformation, progress and a strong ummah (community) could not happen merely "through slogan chanting and having the house painted green." On the other hand, he added, Barisan had shown it was capable of bringing transformation to the state. "All you need to do is give us the mandate and you will see progress happening in Kelantan," he said.
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