When launching the machinery in the presence of almost 5,000 people, the prime minister was seen hinting that the poll was getting closer and all BN machinery must be fully prepared to face the challenge by giving a major victory compared to the previous election.
“When parliament is dissolved later, we must ensure that our machinery runs smoothly, (our) work programme must follow the direction regardless of whoever the candidates are. We will support whoever are nominated as the candidates,” he said in his speech at the launching ceremony.
According to Najib, the ‘war drum’ had been sounded and everyone must prepare their steps as ‘warriors’.
“We wait for the signal, then we will go down to the battle field. We will not retreat even an inch until we have achieved a major victory,” he said.
He praised the Pekan BN machinery which he described as in good spirit and trained to ensure the Pekan Parliamentary constituency remained a BN stronghold.
Najib said he wanted the BN machinery to ensure that every supporter discharged their responsibilities including those who were outside the area.
He was convinced that the people would be smart in choosing the government which had clearly carried out various transformation programmes for the wellbeing of the rakyat through numerous aid given and development efforts carried out.
“(Do) you want a bigger 1Malaysia People’s Aid? (Which was greeted by a loud ‘mahu’ or ‘want’ by the crowd). Are we cattle or chicken? (Which was greeted by ‘tidak’ or ‘no’). We are humans who must be helped and we must be grateful to Allah and thankful to the leader,” he added.
Malaysia Join Hands Together For a Better Tomorrow
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